Thursday, May 1, 2014

One Nudist's Creed

By Mike 'Southernsun'

Here's to that first moment
when first we chose
to stop into some paradise
and step out of our clothes

Our clothes on the ground
and clad only by the sky
We knew this was right
just weren't exactly sure why

Then the glory of the air
and of the sun
and of the body
became one

If the people back home could see us,
they'd think us mad as a hatter
Everyone there was naked
and only in good ways did it matter

Whether you have long ago made such a first visit
or wonder where one just might lead
I offer for your kind consideration
One nudist's creed

Live long, and live naked.
And, let it be known
We nudists wear a lifestyle
into which freedom is sewn

Copyright, 2014

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