Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ah, The Joys Of Spring!

[Editor's Note: don't expect anything earthshaking in this particular post.]

 Spring has finally sprung it would seem after an unusually harsh winter across the country.
SUNRISE ON TWO PLANETS: Earth and Jupiter.

 I celebrated this beautiful morning by taking a two hour walk around the property here at Paradise Lakes. It seems I was by no means the only person who had that idea. 

At the risk of sounding a wee bit sappy, I was reminded just how many wonderful friends I have here and how fortunate and blessed I am to have retired here in– – the appropriately named – – Paradise. 

 A quick break to watch Jeopardy, stuffed red peppers are cooking in the crockpot for dinner, and now it's off to the club to hang out in the conversation pool. 

 Ah, the joys of spring!

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist -DVD