Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Coming To TERMS With Why We Are Nudists

EDITOR'S NOTE: This could either turn out to be a "Mr. Watson come here I want to see you" moment, or an "isn't it great?! We call it the Edsel! " moment.

With your kind permission, and hopefully your even kinder participation, I would like to do an experiment here. Wait! There's no need to put on that lab coat! This is an experiment about nudism and what is called, ironically, a thread.

As I have written many times before, there are probably as many reasons why people choose nudism, as there are nudists.

Hence: The 1st Annual Coming To TERMS With Why We Are Nudists Experiment.

(Ta da!)

Other than "it's all about freedom" what are you some of the reasons why you area nudist?

Please enlighten us with your comment below.