Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cheering On A Nude 5K

There are many places where you can sit on your lanai
And watch a 5K race go streaming by
But this morning despite the threat of increment weather 
50 runners ran in the all-together! 
Let that point be not misconstrued
I'm saying the runners were totally nude
They ran completely naked and all without pause
And they did so very much for an extremely noble cause
Our brave wooded warriors benefit from this,
A typically charitable lot are nudists
I need not make that point twice
Runners in the nude and a lobby of donated food
Here at the aptly named Paradise

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reality TV Shows Without Any Clothes

Reality TV Shows Without Any Clothes

Nudism is a wonderful way of life
While it may never be universally 'normal'
Television seems to be taking some strides
That, at least, make it a little less formal

They're the types of programs we've seen before
At first glance that seems obvious enough
So-called "reality" shows, need I say more?
Only the people in them are in the buff

As for the motivation I'm not certain
Bolstering the lifestyle? A better rating?!
I don't know what goes on behind the curtain
But, what great concepts like naked dating!

One very popular genre may have a new rival
A naked man, a naked woman, jungle, and survival!

If an au naturel neighborhood is where you'd like to habitate
No probs. There's a show about the world of naked real estate!

Yes, nudism is a wonderful way to live
I hope it's painted in a good light
And the curious find the spin to be positive
"I always wanted to try that. Just might."

I personally hope this trend continues
And upon one thing I'm sure we can concur
One thing has made possible these naked views
Great technical advancements in the digital blur!



Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Coming To TERMS With Why We Are Nudists

EDITOR'S NOTE: This could either turn out to be a "Mr. Watson come here I want to see you" moment, or an "isn't it great?! We call it the Edsel! " moment.

With your kind permission, and hopefully your even kinder participation, I would like to do an experiment here. Wait! There's no need to put on that lab coat! This is an experiment about nudism and what is called, ironically, a thread.

As I have written many times before, there are probably as many reasons why people choose nudism, as there are nudists.

Hence: The 1st Annual Coming To TERMS With Why We Are Nudists Experiment.

(Ta da!)

Other than "it's all about freedom" what are you some of the reasons why you area nudist?

Please enlighten us with your comment below.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

First-Time Nudists: Beyond The "Well Maybe I Could" Moment

I love talking to first time nudists.

And, I don't know if it's fate's way of reminding me that I needed to update my blog, or perhaps it's the season and the weather, or maybe some stars are aligning somewhere in the universe; but it seems to me that lately I've been meeting more and more first-timers.

For example, on three very recent, but separate occasions, I have met couples in the conversation pool literally moments after they first arrived here at Paradise Lakes. As the pool's name implies, it's fairly easy to strike up a conversation there. When I find out that people are there for the first time, I usually introduce myself and try to make them feel welcome.

I often use a standard line which many of my friends are probably sick of hearing, but it seems to work well for those who have just, for the first time, taken the plunge out of their clothes and into the water: "The second hardest thing you'll ever do as a nudist is take your clothes off in front of other people for the first time. The hardest thing you'll ever do, is put them back on. "

 That plunge is something that all nudists have in common. I took mine 21 years ago this summer in those very same waters.

I find that absorbing the infectious enthusiasm of newbie nudists to be very refreshing and rejuvenating.

 Those three couples are all very different people, but here is what they all have in common with many other nudists including myself.

 It's a process really. It starts with a long time curiosity about what it must be like in a nudist resort. After perhaps years of saying "I could never do that," one day the person might just say "well maybe I could."

In the case of couples, one person has got to propose the idea to the other. In the case of these couples, it was the guy who made the suggestion. And in no case did he have to dodge a flying skillet.

The desire, the courage, the opportunity, the ability, and perhaps more of that star alignment stuff all came together to make it happen. And, boom, there they were -- in most cases naked -- in the conversation pool. I just happened to have the privilege of being there to share the moment with them.

In this extremely limited survey, which is destined to be published in UNSCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, two thirds of the folks said that they were fairly comfortable with almost from the beginning. One third said that it took a little longer.

Here's the good news. Within a very short time 100% of them said that they wereVERY COMFORTABLE!

Like so many of us who weren't sure exactly what we were looking for when we came to a nudist resort, we all somehow found it. So many have said the exact same thing in so many different ways. Basically, it boils down to things like relaxation and liberation in a fun community of mutual respect.

100% of the three couples said that they wondered why it took so long for them to get here, but that they would be back as soon as possible.

I've seen that same scenario play out time, and time again, and I never get tired of it.

If you have an interest and curiosity about nudism, but have never experienced it, maybe this blog post will serve as your "well maybe I could do that" moment. Who knows? Maybe I'll see you sometime in the Paradise Lakes conversation pool.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Act Naturally: Nudist Life Imitating Nudist Art

Act Naturally: Nudist Life Imitating Nudist Art

The 2011 comedy ACT NATURALLY vaults viewers on a vicarious visit to the fictitious Bear Lake Naturist Resort in Arizona.

The film is fun, well done, and with a little bit of comedic license, it fairly portrays what life might be like at some nudist facilities. By the way don't call it a nudist "colony" as the dialog corrects:

"... Nudist RESORT. Colonies are for lepers."

I plan to be using that line a lot.

For those of us in the very real Paradise Lakes Resort family this film was, perhaps, a little too true to life. In fact, it's almost spooky.

Here's the basic plot. The owner of a nudist resort suddenly dies in a freak accident.

Sound familiar? But wait Paradise8 Lakers, there's more. In fact, you might want to go ahead and sit down before reading further.

The place is inherited by none other than his two adult, non-nudist, daughters.

That's exactly what I thought!

Oh, and at the time of the transition, the front gate doesn't work.

Feel free to take a moment or two and breathe into a bag as needed.

To be very honest with you, at first I suspected the screenplay may have been loosely patterned after certain real events. Was this a case of nudist art imitating nudist life? No, it was just a strange coincidence, because the movie came out first.

Act Naturally is a character driven comedy with some serious and positive messages woven in there as well. Oh and by the way, most people aren't wearing any clothes.

The two daughters, who are marvelously portrayed by actresses Katie L. Hall and Liz Lytle, are hit with a lot at the beginning of the movie.

Estranged their whole lives the two girls meet for the first time upon learning of the death of their father. They are told that they need to drive to Arizona and collect his belongings. After an awkward cross-country drive they arrive at the resort, and discover much to their dismay that it is a nudist resort. Further, they learn that their dad owned the resort and that he has willed it to them.

They interact with the residents and staff who are led by a beautiful brunette, burn victi who is brilliantly brought to life by Susan May Pratt.

The big question is whether the daughters will sell the place to developers. The young ladies need the money. On the other hand the residents and staff need their home and their lifestyle. Which will it be?

But this film is much deeper than that. It is about people becoming generally better and liking themselves for who they are. It's about developing self-confidence and losing negative self issues.

Director J.P. Riley, the cast, and crew have captured  something that I see all of the time as a real-life nudist. Living naked is a great way to shed old baggage.

In that sense, maybe this is an example of art imitating life after all . And doing so very well.

You will enjoy great laughs,awesome  music, hilarious bloopers, and some mighty fine bodies as well. I won't spoil the ending for you, but I understand a sequel is in the works called Act Super Naturally and it reportedly will be out next year.

I can only hope that, in the sequel, the fictitious Bear Lake Naturist Resort is doing half as well as we are here at the Paradise Lakes Resort under our new ownership.

On my highly scientific nudist film rating scale of 5-0 tan lines, I give this film, Act Naturally, 0 tan lines. A perfect score!

Act Naturally on Instant video

Act Naturally on DVD

Saturday, May 10, 2014


A Contemporary Review of the 1962 Classic Film:
Blaze Starr Goes Nudist

by Mike Southernsun

Through the power vested in this blog, we take you back to the year 1962. President John F. Kennedy was in the White House, astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth, the New York Yankees won the World Series, and a gallon of milk would set you back a whopping $.40.

Something else happened that year, that for more than half of the century now  -- for good or bad -- has given no doubt millions of people their first glimpse into what life might be like as a nudist.

At a time when TV couples were still sleeping in separate beds, film producer, writer, and director Doris Wishman teamed up with the legendary stripper of the day and released the film: Blaze Starr Goes Nudist.

Blaze, who is playing herself, is an actress at her wits end. Her fiancé, who is also her agent, is pushing her to live up to her commitments.

Alas.The meetings, the publicity shoots, the business cocktail parties, and all of the autograph seekers; enough already!

I don't know if the term  "burned out" had been coined in 1962, but that would've been the perfect time to use it. Blaze storms out of the office in a bouncy huff. (Or, maybe it was a minute and a huff. Thanks Groucho.)

She ducks into the nearest movie theater just to get away from it all. There she is surrounded by men in business suits who occasionally gawk at her ample cleavage. The lady just can't catch a break!

She looks at the screen, and through her point of view, we see various scenes of nudists frolicking at the -- once real, but now defunct -- Sunny Palms  Lodge in Homestead, Florida.

Something gets extremely stiff: the dialogue.

I believe Blaze deserves a special, special award for being able to pull off those campy lines with a breathy sexy voice, and most of all, a straight face.

"Why this is a film about nudists. How relaxed they all look."

Brace yourself.

"What a pleasure it must be to feel the sun burning into you instead of those hot lights at the studio.  I wonder if it is really like that at a nudist camp."

No real spoiler alert here, she goes and it is a panacea for all of her problems except those relating to her being a Starr, uh, star.

But relax, in the movies there's nothing that a surprise ending can't fix!

This film dates back to a time when a dollar would get you 3 gallons of gas a first-class postage stamp and three cents in change. And. I think there is a value to this very campy film that transcends the decades and even the dismal dialogue. For more than half a century this film, in its own corny way,  has painted the nudist lifestyle as being relaxing, friendly, neighborly,, and completely natural.

The way I see it, that's a pretty fair and respectful portrayal.

This film is many things. It is a study in how to discreetly hide genitalia, and it is to nudists what Reefer Madness is to marijuana smokers.

I think this campy, cult classic should be on the must-see list of every nudist. But be warmed. Once you see Leslie do her Siamese dance, your life may never be quite the same ever again.

On the highly scientific Mike Southernsun Tan Line rating scale of nudist films -- where five is the worst and zero is the best -- I give this film 1 Tan Line. After all, there were just some parts that didn't seem to get much exposure.

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist -DVD

Thursday, May 1, 2014

One Nudist's Creed

By Mike 'Southernsun'

Here's to that first moment
when first we chose
to stop into some paradise
and step out of our clothes

Our clothes on the ground
and clad only by the sky
We knew this was right
just weren't exactly sure why

Then the glory of the air
and of the sun
and of the body
became one

If the people back home could see us,
they'd think us mad as a hatter
Everyone there was naked
and only in good ways did it matter

Whether you have long ago made such a first visit
or wonder where one just might lead
I offer for your kind consideration
One nudist's creed

Live long, and live naked.
And, let it be known
We nudists wear a lifestyle
into which freedom is sewn

Copyright, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ah, The Joys Of Spring!

[Editor's Note: don't expect anything earthshaking in this particular post.]

 Spring has finally sprung it would seem after an unusually harsh winter across the country.
SUNRISE ON TWO PLANETS: Earth and Jupiter.

 I celebrated this beautiful morning by taking a two hour walk around the property here at Paradise Lakes. It seems I was by no means the only person who had that idea. 

At the risk of sounding a wee bit sappy, I was reminded just how many wonderful friends I have here and how fortunate and blessed I am to have retired here in– – the appropriately named – – Paradise. 

 A quick break to watch Jeopardy, stuffed red peppers are cooking in the crockpot for dinner, and now it's off to the club to hang out in the conversation pool. 

 Ah, the joys of spring!

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist -DVD

Monday, March 24, 2014

Friends, nudists, countrymen, lend me your ear nose and throat specialist's phone number

I had something very interesting happen today. I've been seeing an audiologist and an ear nose and throat doctor related to some hearing loss that I have. 

My friend Tom, as in Tom and Diane from Wisconsin, said that he needed to see an ear nose and throat doctor and asked me if I knew a good one. So I turned him on to this doctor and Tom's appointment was at 10:30 this morning, mine was at 1 o'clock. 

After a second test of my hearing, the doctor told me that my hearing loss wasn't as bad as we had thought after the last test and that I wouldn't be needing surgery anytime soon after all. 
That was the good news. The bad news, he said, was that all of the procedures he was going to do today would be done rectally. My eyes opened wide, and I grabbed a hold of the chair, and not with my hands!

The doctor then laughed, and told me that Tom had told him to say that! If you know Tom and Diane and their sense of humor, you wouldn't have any doubt about that at all! LOL!

I knew that I would see Tom and Diane tonight, and so I needed to work on a good story to tell them. So my friend Paul, who drove me to the doctor, and I were in cahoots. Here's how it went: when asked by Tom and Diane what happened at the doctors, I said well a very strange thing. The doctor said that he needed to give me a digital rectal exam because I haven't had one in a few years. I said that that would be okay. And in the middle of the process while he had his finger you know where, he asked can you hear me better now?

Sunday, March 23, 2014


March 24th is a date I shall forever recall
for it was on this date one year ago that I took one hell of a fall
That night I shall never forget
For this "Southernsun" almost permanently set!
In two separate places my arm it did snap
and brothers and sisters let me tell you that really hurt like crap!
Now with thanks neighbors,  paramedics, trauma team, and each and every friend
I am here to report that I am almost as good as new again
Time and recovery push further away the numerous nightmares
and now I write this feeling quite well in my apartment DOWNSTAIRS

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Naked Sunset

An original musical verse about nudism inspired by a picture of a beautiful naked woman on an island at sunset.

A friend of mine, Loulou, shared this picture with me and gave me permission to use it on my blog.  It was taken by Capt. Dale during one of his cruises to a sandbar island out in the Gulf of Mexico. I could've just shown this spectacular picture and let it speak for itself, but if you know me you know that isn't in my capabilities.

I decided to revert to a previous chapter in my life, and write a little verse and set this to music. Here is what resulted. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Two Beautiful Women, Two Hours. Two Cracks Filled: Mouthwatering!

I don't mean to brag or anything, but had a pretty interesting afternoon. There I was lying for two hours with a beautiful woman on either side of me.
This is a test quote
At one point they were both in my mouth the same time. There was a lot of probing going on in one cavity after the other. Yeah to get those two cracks filled cost me almost $300. It was worth it but damned if dental work isn't expensive anymore.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Double headwind

More vocabulary from the nude – former – weather – dude : double headwind. This occurs when an oncoming cool wind simultaneously hits you in the face and alerts you that your zipper is down!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The wind shrill factor

New vocabulary from the nude – former – weather – dude: wind shrill factor. This is the likelihood that a brisk cool wind will blow just as you get out of a pool on a moderately warm day. If the wind is stiff enough, nothing else will be with the possible exception of nipples. See also: wind shrivel factor.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Double Entendre, Double Takes

Double Entendre, Double Takes

By Mike Southernsun

When living in a nudist community there are certain innocent comments that also become gems  of the double  entendre and cause one to do a double take. 

Some people might decide to just let them go, but I don't have that ability. On this page, which is a work in progress, I will be adding what I call double entendre double takes. And by the way, if you think I have a dirty mind, you're right, but you can tell me that after you quit laughing. Enjoy!

At The Daily Pool Tournament

- I have little balls. You have big ones.

- Damn. I leaned over the table and scratched.

At Bingo


Players: (in unisonj
Oh. Ahhhhh.
(Always a classic!)

At Wii Bowling

- Good luck picking up THAT  split. 

-(Reminding a player to use the controller's wrist strap)
He needs the strap-on. (Great one, Alice!)

At Taco Tuesday
(Fitting the category in and of itself)

- Woman: ... you can get them either hard or soft, but personally I prefer the soft ones. They fill you up more!
(Alert the media)

To Be Continued.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mentally Bypass Cravings: The Technique I Use To Remain Smoke-Free

January 15, 2014 marks one year since I had a cigarette. Whether or not I have QUIT is, of course, still to be determined.

This is neither the first time I've quit, nor the longest period of time sans cigarette. But so far it seems to be a great start, and I think I'm on the way to a smoke-free rest of my life. And I know from first hand experience after quitting for eight years once, all it takes is one puff to start right back up again.

After several failed attempts to quit, and an increasing need to do so, I came up with the process, and a mind game that works for me. And I write this article to share those ideas with anyone who may wish to quit smoking and who might find them useful. (I know, there is nothing worse than ex-smoker.)

 I think if it worked for me, then it might very well work for another heavy smoker. And yes that's exactly what I was.

 I grew up in the late 1950s and 60s in the cigarette manufacturing capital of the world, Richmond Virginia. Just about everybody's family's livelihood was somehow either directly or indirectly affected by the cigarette industry. We jokingly said that in Richmond back in the 60s, if you didn't smoke by the time you were 12 you must be a communist.

 My coughing was frequent and could be heard several buildings away. My neighbor and friend nurse Kathy said that she had seen my wardrobe and that I didn't have anything that would go well with an oxygen tank.

 Obviously I needed to quit smoking, but the first step toward me actually doing so was WANTING to do so. That's the biggie! I made a list of reasons to quit and kept it on my cell phone. I don't ever recall referring to it, but I think just writing it down was somewhat therapeutic. I wrote about improved health, feeling better, having more energy, having more money, I wouldn't stink, my clothes wouldn't stink – – whenever I chose to wear them. being here longer with my daughter and granddaughter. That last one did it. I needed to quit. I wanted to quit. I had reasons to quit. What I was missing was a technique that would actually work. I used to work with some out of this world brainiac's, and I asked myself how they might tackle this? I needed data!!! So I would go for an hour or two without a cigarette, and I would actually time my cravings. Any guess how long those cravings lasted? Mine lasted between five and 15 seconds. That was it!?! I was throwing everything away to avid 5 to 15 seconds of discomfort at a whack?! And a couple other things fell into place. I recalled that it was once demonstrated to me that the human brain can only concentrate on one thing for the time. Then I recalled, I think it was on the Dr. Oz Show when he was talking about yoga, he demonstrated deep, cleansing breaths. When I decided to quit, I waited for that first craving. When I felt it coming on, I took three or four deep cleansing breaths and concentrated on the goodness of clean air. When I stopped, the craving was over. I had mentally bypassed the craving. I had many cravings that day and for weeks and months to follow, but that technique worked every single time. I still have cravings about once a day, the technique still works. I started to explain this technique to a neighbor one day who is a heavy smoker and who has emphysema. I said "I'm not trying to be one of those ex-smoke's." At which point he requested that I "try a little harder." LOL So, I am not trying to foist this on anybody. On the other hand it worked so well for me that as a journalist I think I would be remiss if I didn't pass it on. January 15, 2014 marks one year of me being smoke-free. It was all done by a simple technique in a mind game. It worked for me and maybe it can work for others who need and want to quit smoking.

Everything under the Southernsun from

The Complete Guide to Nudism & Naturism

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Naked In Paradise: How It Works In "Winter"

Naked In Paradise:
How It Works In "Winter"  

By Mike Southernsun

"So how does it work in the winter?!" 

That was the sum total of a text message that I received late last Fall. It came from a young lady, who shall go nameless, but who is very near and dear to my heart. I was there when she was born and we've been pretty close ever since. Only a couple of years ago did I let her know that I am a long  time nudist, and that I was going to retire here at Paradise Lakes. She was characteristically supportive, and her question was out of genuine curiosity. 

Let's face it, the question is legitimate! And as I meet more and more people who are interested in nudism, it may be a more widespread question than we realize.

So I thought I would tackle that question for this post. But, be warned. Some of my ideas may be more legit than others.

First, a little perspective on winter in the Tampa area. The government has kept official records on temperatures in Tampa since 1890. The coldest it's ever been was 18° and that was on December 13, 1962. However January is usually the coolest month of the year, and Tampa averages no more than three days a year when the temperature dips below 32°F. (In case you are wondering, Tampa's official high temp is 99 degrees, and that was set on June 5, 1985.)

The coldest place live ever lived is in the mountains of Virginia. There were times during winter when we would go weeks just wishing the high would reach 18°. My friends from points north like Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, and Canada can put my stories to shame. But, our dear friends who are collectively and affectionately called "snowbirds" don't come here to think about winter. They  come here to forget about it.

However, we also come here to be nudists. So brace yourself. There may be days when you have to wear a robe, sweater, or dare I say, pants. Fret not dear reader. Here now is you news you can use. Here are some tips on how to survive winter in Paradise.

The hot tub is awesome on chilly days. However, when you get out you don't want to be fumbling around while you are wet and naked. So before you get in, be proactive. Place your robe strategically so that when you get out of the hot tub you can slide right into that bad boy. No really great revelation here, most people figure this one out pretty quickly on their own.

Last winter several of us were in the hot tub, when someone else joined us and mentioned that it was kind of cold. This kicked off a  round robin game of 'who has the most absurd winter hardship story?' It sounded like this: 

"Cold?! You don't know from cold! Why in my day we used to have to trudge to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways, and the temperature was 26, no make that 27 degrees below absolute zero. Yeah, those winters were brutal in Brooksville!" 

Another way to increase social interaction during the cooler days, is to get a big crock pot of vegetable beef soup going and offer it up to passers by. Perhaps even some jalapeño cornbread would be nice. I've never actually done this, but I'm hoping that some of my neighbors might be reading this.

You can also play a game of 'can you recognize people" with their clothes ON?' By the way, this also works in the store year round. "Oh hi! Sorry didn't realize that was you."

Here's some advice on what NOT to do. After traipsing around taking an air bath, as nudist Benjamin Franklin called it, avoid the temptation to share your delight with others in a frigid climate. Something as simple as "78° here and am sunning naked, " can lead to a response that may strongly suggest you do something that, to my knowledge, is physically impossible. That is, of course, provided that your friend's fingers are not frozen solid to the keyboard. 

Live long. Live naked. Gloat not.

Again no great revelation on my part. Folks usually pick up on that one pretty fast as well.

I don't know anybody who particularly likes the fact that the days are shorter. Shorter days particularly cramp my style. But here's one way to look at it. You just don't have to wait so long for some dazzling sunsets. I don't know if it's because of longitude and latitude, winter sun angles here in Florida, the make up of particles in the atmosphere, or maybe someone around here is just holding their nose right. Whatever the reason, frequently the sunsets here are breathtakingly spectacular. On second thought, maybe shorter days are a small price to pay for such beauty.

The days are now growing longer, and here in the northern hemisphere, astronomical winter ends on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. But in the meantime, how does it work here in winter? I have drawn two conclusions.

1) If you are wintering here at Paradise Lakes or points nearby, it works pretty damned well. 

2) If you are reading from any place that feels like a frozen tundra, uh, er, somehow, ahem, we manage to muddle through it.

(Live long. Live naked. Gloat not.)

Fast Forward Three Years: blow The Dust Off Of This Blog!

A lot has changed since my initial post for this blog. For starters, I got off my butt to write this, only the second post in this blog's history, in about three years.

A few other things have happened as well. I have retired after 23 years of working with an out of this world group, a job that I truly loved. After vacationing for 20 years at Paradise Lakes Resort near Tampa, I have now retired to this community. It is an awesome clothing optional community. That's right. I am a practicing nudist. (Someday I hope to get it right.)

I am a journalist by training with extremely low vision and a quirky way of looking at things from time to time. I will be posting some observations in this blog and I invite you to come back often.