I had something very interesting happen today. I've been seeing an audiologist and an ear nose and throat doctor related to some hearing loss that I have.
My friend Tom, as in Tom and Diane from Wisconsin, said that he needed to see an ear nose and throat doctor and asked me if I knew a good one. So I turned him on to this doctor and Tom's appointment was at 10:30 this morning, mine was at 1 o'clock.
After a second test of my hearing, the doctor told me that my hearing loss wasn't as bad as we had thought after the last test and that I wouldn't be needing surgery anytime soon after all.
That was the good news. The bad news, he said, was that all of the procedures he was going to do today would be done rectally. My eyes opened wide, and I grabbed a hold of the chair, and not with my hands!
The doctor then laughed, and told me that Tom had told him to say that! If you know Tom and Diane and their sense of humor, you wouldn't have any doubt about that at all! LOL!
I knew that I would see Tom and Diane tonight, and so I needed to work on a good story to tell them. So my friend Paul, who drove me to the doctor, and I were in cahoots. Here's how it went: when asked by Tom and Diane what happened at the doctors, I said well a very strange thing. The doctor said that he needed to give me a digital rectal exam because I haven't had one in a few years. I said that that would be okay. And in the middle of the process while he had his finger you know where, he asked can you hear me better now?