Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Nudist’s Re-Awakening

The initiation of this blog coincides with the first beautifully warm – actually hot – weekend after a brutal winter. Ah, the joys of Spring abound in my modest home! It has me thinking about my upcoming casual times. It is nearly noon, and I have been awake since 5, but I have yet to bother to put on any clothes. I can’t explain it fully, but nudism is very invigorating for me.

I first experienced social nudism in the early 1990s when I vacationed at a resort near Tampa. It quickly felt natural, and I had a great time! I returned and each visit was better than the last. I attended a few nudist gatherings in homes here in my own town, but those people moved across the country.

For some reason that I can’t understand, I did not participate in any social nudism for well over a decade, until last Summer. (What was I thinking?!)

I flew back to Tampa last Summer, and hated to get dressed and leave. However, I have become determined to enjoy nudism as often as possible. This beautiful day off has me thinking about that, and this blog will serve to chronicle my experiences.

If this topic is of interest to you, I invite you to check back often.

Best Wishes,